Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

Why You Need to Hire Someone with SEO Optimization Experience to Build Your Business Website

If you are looking to build your web presence, hiring an SEO specialist is a great way to meet your goals. Today, most consumers use a search engine to find industry experts for the service they are looking for and having an SEO consultant on your team will help your target audience locate you and your services. Spivey Media is located in Norman, Oklahoma but we serve clients all over the Oklahoma City metro and we know SEO.

Read to the end to find out why you should hire an SEO expert to help you build your small business website.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

5 Things to Include on Your Services Page for Your Business Website

The “Services Offered” page of your website is where potential clients go to find out exactly how you can help them. This is an extremely important page because typically, if a web page visitor views your website, the services page is where they’ll land if they are sold on your brand and seriously considering electing your services or hiring your company. 

That’s why it’s so important to make sure the services page of your website is just right. If you are a small business in Oklahoma, read on to find out the 5 things you’ll want to include on your Services Page for your business website. 

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

10 Ways Your Business Website Can Help You Build Trust With Potential Clients

There are many components to building trust with potential clients. One of these pillars focuses on our web presence. If we take a look at our own buying and spending habits, we are forced to ask ourselves, what gets me through the finish line of a purchase? And if you didn’t make the purchase, what happened? Did something make you doubt the purchase? Did you lose trust in the product or service somewhere in the transaction?

Let’s take a look at a few steps that you can take on your business website that can help you build and maintain trust with your clients.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

Choosing the Best Keywords so Your Blog or Website Will Be the First Impression on Google Search

SEO incorporation (or search engine optimization) is setting up your blog or website in a way that your ideal users will be able to find your business or brand when they type certain keywords into search engines like Google. Incorporating keywords and tags into your website shows Google what kind of business you do and what services you offer so your ideal audience will be able to locate your webpage.

Ranking high on Google’s search page is the goal of SEO Optimization. Incorporating SEO best practices puts your webpage at the forefront of search engine results and means you’ll have more eyes on your website and services.

Read on to find out more about SEO optimization and how to use keywords to rank higher on search engines like Google.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

Responsive Web Design in 2022 and Where to Get Started

Responsive web design is all about creating websites that look good on all platforms! From laptops, wide desktop monitors, to cell phones and tablets, responsive web designs conform to look great on any screen. A responsive web design will automatically adjust to fit any screen or viewpoint.

So what exactly is responsive web design and how can a creative media team help you create one to meet your brand’s needs? We’ll explain in this post.

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