5 Reasons Why an Email Marketing Campaign is the Best Marketing Move for Your Business

With a slew of free marketing avenues to take, many people imagine that email marketing is a thing of the past. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Email marketing is a highly effective strategy for connecting with your audience and converting sales. A great email marketing campaign can help you connect with your ideal audience in an authentic manner that builds strong trust in your brand and product. 

Read on for 5 reasons why an email marketing campaign is the best marketing move for your business. 

Email Phone Alerts

Most smartphone users have email alerts sent to their phones to notify them when they receive an email. It takes a user an average of 8 “touches” to convert a sale. The more your audience is made aware of your product or service, the more likely they are to buy your product.
Email phone alerts make it easy to connect with your client right from their inbox. Creating a great email campaign means you’ll be able to send information on your promotion or new product while providing your target audience with all of your credentials such as Social Media profiles, customer reviews, or ways to contact you. The more answers you’re able to answer about your product in the email, the more trust you’ll build with your client, increasing the likelihood of converting a sale. 

Desktop Email Alerts

If you’re like me, you don’t normally shop on Instagram or Facebook. If I want to buy something from either of these platforms, I will typically email the product to my Inbox and buy it later when I’m sitting at my desktop.  No one likes shuffling their wallet, phone, and credit card to ensure they’re using the correct card number or inputting the right expiration date.
Sending an email means your audience has multiple opportunities to interact with your content. They already received the email, but now maybe it is in their Starred list to check out later. A great email campaign will have a memorable Subject Line that intrigues your audience enough to click on it and read through. If the viewer doesn’t have time to read your email now, the stand-out headline will help remind them that you have news to share with them and they will want to read it later. 

Bonus: Inbox Hangtime

The other cool thing about email marketing is the inbox hangtime. Marketing on Facebook or Instagram is often a one-and-done piece of content. You can save the post, add it to a highlight reel, or repurpose it for later use, but most of these types of posts are constrained to one-time use.
With an email campaign, even if the email ends up in the “Promotions” section of the inbox, your audience will still be able to see that you’ve sent them an email. The email will hang out in their inbox until it is deleted or archived (or until the email gets pushed down to the bottom of the queue). The longer the recipient of your email keeps your message at the top of their inbox, the more times they’ll see it in their periphery and think about you and the amazing product or service your business provides. 

People Obsessively Check Their Emails

If you’re anything like me, you obsessively check your emails. The average person checks their emails around 15 times per day. That’s a lot of touches!
Some people don’t use emails often, but this marketing tool will help you connect with those that do! The more times your viewer checks their email and sees an email from you, the more they’ll be consciously or subconsciously thinking about your brand and products. 

Connect with your Confirmed Audience 

Sending an email to your mailing list is a great way to connect with your ideal audience. The person has signed up and confirmed that they are already interested in receiving news updates and product release information from you and your brand. Your email list should be full of excellent leads and loyal audience members. 

Try requesting email addresses at an industry trade show or showcase your products alongside a niche that compliments yours. For example, I help run a collective that creates horror-inspired music, so we asked for email addresses when showcasing our brand at a horror convention.
These are your super-fan, loyal customers. They already like what they see and are willing to give you their email address so they can see more of it! It would be rude not to connect with this type of audience member!
An email campaign can help guarantee that your super-fans are up to date on everything related to your brand. Many of those on your email list want to be the first to know when you offer a new product or service, so make sure you roll out the VIP carpet for your news list recipients every once in a while!
We recommend speaking to your audience in a conversational tone and connecting with them as authentically as possible. You don’t want to treat your most loyal customers as a mark! Connect as if you’re doing them a favor by telling them about your killer product. Make it something that they won’t want to miss and add a clear call to action while offering all of the information necessary to make a smart purchase or decision.

Ready to begin your email marketing campaign and get in touch with your loyal fan base? Contact the experts at Spivey Media who can customize a strategy for a unique and effective email marketing campaign that will help convert your audience into customers. 

We will create an excellent, on-brand template and clear, concise copywriting that will compel your audience to connect with you or purchase your product or service. Call us today to get started! 


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