Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

5 Content Marketing Tips for Your Business Website

An effective digital marketing strategy is to create top-notch and valuable content for your audience and niche regularly. This works because it helps foster a sense of trustworthiness with your audience and establishes your business or brand as an expert or standard within your industry.

Creating great digital content can also help influence consumer’s habits and behaviors. Here are 5 ways you can do this.  

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

7 Brilliant Tips to Prepare for Your First In-Studio Photo Shoot 

If you are thinking about hiring a professional photographer to shoot your acting, modeling, or professional head shots, you may be wondering what to expect. Working with a professional photographer in a photography studio should be fun and exciting! 

It’s totally normal to feel a bit anxious before your shoot. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 7 tips to help you prepare for your first photo shoot in a photography studio, like ours in Norman, Oklahoma.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

5 Things to Include on Your Services Page for Your Business Website

The “Services Offered” page of your website is where potential clients go to find out exactly how you can help them. This is an extremely important page because typically, if a web page visitor views your website, the services page is where they’ll land if they are sold on your brand and seriously considering electing your services or hiring your company. 

That’s why it’s so important to make sure the services page of your website is just right. If you are a small business in Oklahoma, read on to find out the 5 things you’ll want to include on your Services Page for your business website. 

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

5 Locations for Music Video Shoots in OKC

Choosing the perfect location to shoot your music video can be challenging, especially if you are shooting your music video on a budget. There are several soundstages available to rent around the city such as Prairie Surf Media as well as warehouse studio locations like 1984 Studios that you can rent or barter to secure.

We know what it’s like to shoot on a shoestring budget. That’s why we have compiled this list of free locations where you can shoot your next music video in Oklahoma City.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

3 Tips to Writing Better Copy for Your Small Business

When we visit our clients to discuss their needs, one of the most common things that we hear from small business owners in Oklahoma is that they struggle to write compelling and professional-sounding copy for their website, social media posts, and blog posts.

Here are 3 tips for better marketing copywriting that you can apply to your business’s social media and blog posts today.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

5 Easy Steps to Edit Your Promotional Video

If you are creating a promotional video for your brand, business, or band, you may be wondering where to start. Editing is a time-consuming task but the creative rewards are massive and your promo video could be the most effective marketing content that you’ll create. You can create a promo video with little to no budget and you can even shoot and edit your video on your smartphone.

Here are 5 tips to create a great promotional video from your video footage!

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

Shooting a Music Video on a Budget in 2023

Making a music video is the perfect way to engage your audience’s attention, introduce yourself to your fans, and share your acts’ visual aesthetic.

Releasing a music video creates another way for fans to interact with your music and offers them a bonus listening experience.

Here are 5 tips to creating a budget for your music video.

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

Film Crew Positions and Who You’ll Need on Set for Your Film Production

The success of your music video, short film, or feature film production depends upon the quality of your film crew and their ability to make good decisions. A great film crew is punctual, flexible, productive, synergistic, knowledgeable, and experienced. But as someone with a great idea for a film or music video, who do you need to hire for your film crew? 

We break down a few of the must-have crew member roles in this blog. This isn’t an exhaustive list of film crew roles, we’ve just included the most essential ones to get you started. Once you have these key crew members, your producer can help you decide if you’ll need more film professionals to make your project a reality. 

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Kimberly Bastian Kimberly Bastian

DIY: 5 Tips for Shooting a Music Video on a Budget

Shooting a music video is the best way to connect fans with your music. Fans of your tunes love to see music videos that pair with the band’s aesthetic and unique vision. Music videos are a lot of fun to shoot, but even the most seasoned film makers will agree that music videos are hard work.

Music videos are difficult to shoot because they require pooling together large groups of (sometimes unpaid) talent, backup dancers, and performers. You’ll also need to source props, scout and secure locations, and rent camera gear. Once you have these things and you’ve hired a director of photography, shoot days can be long and your videographer will need to complete a long shot list in a short amount of time. This process can be incredibly daunting.

That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 5 of our best tips to produce and shoot a music video while staying on time and budget.

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