5 Email Marketing Strategies That Work

Each year the number of consumers using email technology grows. Earlier this week, I assisted a man born in the 40s with creating his very first Gmail account- something he’s avoided for a long time but had now become a necessity due to the purchase of his new laptop. In 2020, the number of email users was 4 billion and is projected to increase to 4.6 billion users in 2025. 

So we know email marketing can reach a lot of people. How can we create an effective marketing campaign that will stand out and convert members of your target audience into a customer? 

Here are 5 ideas to increase click-through rates and open rates in your email marketing campaigns.

Keep Your Subject Lines Short and Sweet

33% of email users open emails based on the subject line and 44% of users are likely to read your email based on who it is from. Already being an expert in your field helps garner trust with your email recipients. Now, you need a terrific, eye-catching subject line. Be mindful of character restrictions in the subject display of your recipient's inbox, but also be sure to keep your subject line between 6-10 words for the highest open rate. For an extra 22% open rate, create a sense of urgency around opening the email. 

Send the Email at the Right Time of the Day

Give thought to what time of day you’d like to send your emails. If you are marketing to businesses or nonprofits, you’ll want to send it during or just before business hours on a day that the business will be open. 

A great day to send these types of emails is on a day that is not hectic for the business. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays are ideal days to send your email campaign. Keep time zone differences in mind. The beginning of the business day, end of the business day, and after lunch are usually great times to send your email campaign. 

You can also incorporate automation in your email marketing campaign which uses AI to deliver emails at the perfect time based on your recipients' email habits. 

Include Valuable Free Content

Giving away free content, like pdf guides, checklists, or templates provides an incentive for website users to sign up for your email newsletter so you can include them in your next email campaign. 

Freebies like these also see a 26-66% click-through rate.

Send Mobile-Friendly Emails with Responsive Design

Emails that are responsive to every type of device are essential. Your recipient must be able to read your email no matter which device they are using. Responsive web design will help ensure that your recipient can interact with and read your email on their tablet, phone, laptop, or desktop. Use small display images, center the important text, and keep it to one column of information, if possible. 

Make sure your call to action button is easy to click and large enough to use on a cell phone. 

Get Personal

Providing a personalized experience is the perfect way to build trust with your audience and 80% of customers are more likely to purchase items from a brand that provides a personalized experience. It shows that you care about each recipient and the quality of your services. 

Get creative! Birthday emails have an insanely high click-through rate! Providing a discount or coupon on your audience member’s birthday is a classy touch, and one they’ll be sure to remember it. They’ll also probably rave about it to their friends and family as a bonus. 

FOR MORE ON EMAIL MARKETING READ OUR ARTICLE: 5 Reasons Why an Email Marketing Campaign Is the Best Marketing Move for Your Business


The experts at Spivey Media (based in Norman, Oklahoma) are ready to design an effective email campaign for your small, medium, or large-sized business. We can help you create a thoughtful, well-designed, and highly-converting email campaign with an optimal click-through rate. Contact Spivey Media today to tell us about your email campaign goals and we’ll get started on designing and delivering your emails to your ideal audience. 


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