Medical Marijuana Dispensary Advertising Within Oklahoma Guidelines and 5 Tips for Marketing Your Cannabis-Related Business

Oklahoma business owners are still ironing out the kinks when it comes to what is legal when advertising and marketing within the Cannabis Industry. With Cannabis still illegal at the federal level, advertising in a national publication, for example, would raise many red flags and possibly mean court action.
But what about within the state? What are the best ways to advertise your Medical Marijuana dispensary within Oklahoma?

We have it broken down here for you. 

Here are things to keep in mind when marketing for your dispensary and 5 tips to keep you within regulation when advertising for your cannabis-related business.

In this article you will learn about the following:

Medical Marijuana Business Advertising Laws in Oklahoma
What Not to Advertise
How a Creative Marketing Team Can Help
Where You Can Advertise 
Social Media Guidelines
  Print Publication Ad Guidelines
  Billboard Advertisement Guidelines 
Dispensary Website Guidelines
Social Media Platform Specifics
  Facebook Guidelines 
  Instagram Guidelines
  Twitter Guidelines 
Looking to Other States For Legal Precedent and Avoiding Legal Backlash
5 Tips to Stay Within Regulation When Advertising for Your Medical-Marijuana Dispensary

In The Know: Things to Keep in Mind When Developing a Marketing Plan for Your Cannabis-Related Business

Know The Laws

Not much in the way of guidelines for cannabis-related advertisement regulations has been released. There are a lot of gray areas, but here is what we know so far: Here are the statues and restrictions that cover advertising your medical marijuana business.

2021 Oklahoma Statutes

Title 63. Public Health and Safety

§63-427.21. Advertising restrictions.

Universal Citation: 63 OK Stat § 63-427.21 (2021)

A. A medical marijuana business shall not engage in advertising that is deceptive, false or misleading.

B. Medical marijuana advertising shall not contain any statement or illustration that:

1. Promotes overconsumption;

2. Represents that the use of marijuana has curative or therapeutic effects; or

3. Depicts a child or other person under legal age to consume marijuana, or includes:

a.objects such as toys or cartoon or other characters, which suggest the presence of a child, or any other depiction designed in any manner to be especially appealing to children or other persons under legal age to consume marijuana, or

b.any manner or design that would be especially appealing to children or other persons under eighteen (18) years of age.

Added by Laws 2019, c. 11, § 21. Amended by Laws 2019, c. 477, § 10.

What Not To Advertise

To summarize the statutes above, we won’t market to minors, we won’t promote overconsumption, and we will avoid advertising cannabis as a cure-all or talk about how therapeutic it is.

Now What?

Now, we work within these constraints to create great content that stands out within the niche without getting a cease-and-desist. Hiring a creative team to handle your marketing is one great way to do this. A creative marketing team will be able to think outside the box to help you attract your ideal audience. Ask us how!

Where Can You Advertise?

Since the medical marijuana industry is new to the area there is not much written about it yet. We look to other states for guidelines on what is reasonable. Here are some guidelines covering different types of advertising.


You can use Social Media to market your business but you’ll need to keep in mind that each platform has its own rules when it comes to Medical Marijuana advertising. We will go over this more in the next section.


If you are posting a print ad, make sure it is not in a publication that is geared toward readers under the age of 21 and avoid publications that are distributed nationally since marijuana is not yet legal at the Federal level.
In addition, be wary of advertising with publications that cross state lines. It is illegal in some states, and in other states it is frowned upon, to market to out-of-state consumers.
This is especially true in states where marijuana is not legalized, so be careful before you erect a billboard to encourage tourists to cross state lines for their stash.


If you are using a billboard to advertise, make sure to choose a billboard that is not near where children congregate such as a school, church, or youth center. And of course, follow the above regulations and make sure that your graphic design doesn’t include anything that would appeal to children like a cartoon weed leaf or a baked Barbie doll.
The point is to avoid raising red flags within the industry. Many people in the state are unhappy with cannabis-related billboards and are ready to lobby to outlaw the industry’s use of billboards for advertising. With this in mind, keep it subdued and classy and don’t go over top with references and puns. 


Starting and maintaining a business website that includes E-commerce is a great way to market your dispensary. We can help you build a website that provides your patients with all of the information they need regarding your product so you can make your sale. Many of the products that you are not permitted to promote on your Socials, you will be able to promote on your website. This is your chance to rave about your product!
You can include most of your talking points, including strain specifics such as THC levels, on your dispensary’s website. Here is an important place you’ll want to avoid promoting overconsumption and “promoting curative” or “therapeutic effects.”
[If you need help building or maintaining your business website contact us here. We’d love to help.]

Know The Social Media Rules and Regulations Regarding Medical Marijuana Advertising

Each social media site has its own rules regarding what you are able to advertise on their platform.


For Facebook and Instagram, (who are owned by the same company), “ads must not promote the sale or use of illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs.”

They go on to list examples such as “drug-related paraphernalia, such as bongs, rolling papers, and vaporized delivery devices” and then they proceed to depict a few illicit examples.


For Twitter, advertising of any “drug dispensaries” or “illegal drugs” is not allowed.
Note: Twitter has permitted approved CBD topical advertisers to target the United States. Check their website for restrictions.


Since there aren’t many laws explicitly listed, be sure to look toward other states for judicial precedent and avoid taking a big risk on something that you aren’t sure about.
If you do take a big gamble, be prepared for possible legal backlash. 

5 Tips To Stay Within Regulation When Advertising for Your Medical Marijuana Dispensary


A creative marketing team can help you create content that targets your ideal audience while remaining within state regulations. The right marketing team will be able to generate content for your socials, or copy for your website’s landing page, that will convey your brand’s message without violating state restrictions. 


Instagram does not allow marijuana dispensaries to run business accounts at this time. When creating an Instagram, keep your account listed as a personal page to avoid it being flagged for removal.


Use social media to direct traffic to your website where they can learn more about your product. Make sure your website has fast load times and is user friendly. [Ask us how we can help with this!]


Creating a FAQ page on your business website is a great way to answer all of your client’s frequently asked questions. This helps establish trust and allows you to give your clients valuable information which will make them more comfortable with their purchase or your product.


Since advertising permissions on social media are limited, many dispensary owners report that they spend a lot of time answering questions on social media that could be avoided if they were able to place something such as a flower menu on their page. Using a stored reply on Instagram could be the right move. You could store a reply that tells your customer. “Thank you for your question regarding the availability of our flower strains. Here is a direct link to our website where all of the details are included. If you have any further questions, I’d be glad to help.” 


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