5 Steps to a Successful Instagram Marketing Strategy

If you are having trouble converting Instagram followers into customers, you may be confused as to why you are not having success with Instagram.

You may be blaming your lack of success on the platform on the algorithm or on the content you are working with but the truth is, your content can be fantastic but if you don’t have a goal and a well-defined audience you may be attracting the wrong kind of followers. You’ll want to set up a marketing strategy that works for your business and your niche.

Here are 5 steps to a successful Instagram marketing strategy.

Create a Plan

Be intentional with your social media plan. This will ensure your efforts are more fruitful. Ask yourself what your goal is for your social media account. Make sure your goal isn’t just to gain more followers. Do you want to direct more customers to your website? Build your newsletter list? Do you want to boost sales of your product or service? Decide what goals you want to achieve with your online presence and write them down. Everything that you do on social media should point back to this goal.

Identify Target Audience and Get to Know Them

Use analytics to begin researching your target audience and then ask yourself what kind of person would most benefit from your product or service. Identify their demographics to determine gender, age range, marital status, hobbies, income level, and educational level.

Create Strategic Content

Once you know who your target audience is, you can use this insight to generate content which speaks directly to that audience. Make sure your content provides value and offers solutions. Find their “pain point” and make sure that you are offering a solution for your demographic’s particular problem or meeting a specific need. 

With this strategy, we are creating content for the right buyer and they’ll be easier to convert into customers. If we do the opposite by posting random content, we’ll be attracting a mix of followers who are more difficult to convert into customers. Those will be less likely to take the actions that we want them to take like buying our products or requesting our services. 

Engage with Target Market Regularly

Engage with your target market regularly. To begin locating your target market you can “steal” followers by going to an account that you believe your target market may already be following. Find a post made by an influencer in your niche and click the “liked by” button to locate future followers. You can also go to an account and click the “followed by” button. 

Once you find a user that you think will be interested in your content and services you can interact with their account by liking or commenting on their posts or watching and interacting with their stories.

Hint: Look for active users with current posts whose stories are active. 

Encourage Meaningful Activity

Use one “call to action” on each post to ask your audience to do something meaningful. Ask them to check out your latest blog or send you a direct message to inquire about your services. Ask them to sign up for your newsletter or view your website. If you provide valuable content and interact with your followers, you are building trust and your followers will be more likely to follow along and support your endeavors however they can. Now instead of measuring the effectiveness of your social media profile in likes, follows, and comments you’ll be able to check your insights and analytics to see how many followers you’ve converted to website clicks, newsletter sign-ups, or whatever your goals are for your social media account.

Let us help you build your social media following! If you’re tired of hearing about TikTok and SEO, and would rather just spend your time working on projects instead of writing a new blog or keeping your Instagram updated, then we can help! Our packages are scalable to any size, business, or budget. We’ll keep your business looking fresh online, so you can focus on your clients. Spivey.Media is located in the Norman, Oklahoma area with clients all over the OKC Metro and beyond. Contact us today! We would love to help generate content for your social accounts and help you build your following.


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